1 May 2014

Getting started in web services testing with SoapUI and Mutillidae

J'ai écrit cet article pour aider quiconque qui désire commencer à utiliser SoapUI pour vérifier la sécurité de services web (SOAP). Pour ce faire, on commence par mettre en place Mutillidae qui contient quelques services à tester. Par la suite, on exécute un test d'injection SQL.

Excusez l'anglais. Je n'ai pas vraiment le temps de le traduire.  Mais une image vaut mille mots, n'est-ce pas?

 This post is meant to help a security tester with setting up SoapUI and use it against the test web services included in Mutillidae.

Setting up a local test environment with web services

Setting up SoapUI

  • Setup SoapUI and create a test project for Mutillidae and load the various Mutillidae WSDL files and setup the associated test suites for each WSDL:
  •  As a simple test, double click getUserInformation and add username and password values as follows: 

  •   Click on the green Submit Request button and wait for the response in the right pane:

  Creating a security test

  •   Create a new Security Test:

  • Optionally, add another specific assertion, as demonstrated below.

Note that adding an XPath assertion for many injection issue testing may not be a good idea. At least, you have to ensure that the assertion will cover all the cases. For example, below, we add an XPath expression to cover the case of a normal request (node count = 1) and the case of an empty result set (node count = 0).

  Running the test

  Inspecting the results

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