6 Sept 2012

Présentations du SANS sur la conscientisation des usagers

SANS a mis à notre disposition des présentations pour conscientiser les usagers des TI sur la sécurité informatique. Il en existe déjà au moins une en français.
SANS Security Awareness Presentations:
Securing The Human: takes you step by step how to build a high-impact awareness program that ensures your organization is not only compliant but secure by changing human behavior. Topics include building your Steering Committee, identifying WHO you are targeting in your program, WHAT you want to communicate and HOW. In addition we cover key topics such as updating your program and how to measure it through effective metrics.
Securing The Kids: for parents to help better understand and how to protect their kids online. We cover the top three risks kids face online and the top five steps you can take to protect them. This course is based on the experiences and lessons learned from a variety of SANS top instructors who not only specialize in security, but are parents just like you.
Internet Security Guide For Kids:for parents to present to K-5th graders on how they can safely use the Internet. The information here is similar to the lessons learned in Securing The Kids, but presented in a graphical, kid friendly manner.

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