20 Apr 2016

Ajouter des plugins de sécurité gratuits dans Eclipse | Adding free security plugins in Eclipse

Install Plugins

Install FindBugs and SonarLint by performing these steps:
  • Start Eclipse
  • Menu Help / Eclipse Marketplace
  • Search for FindBugs, install it.
  • Search for SonarLint for Eclipse, choose the optional Java Configuration Helper and install it
Add Find Security Bugs plugin for FindBugs
  • Download the plugin jar file from http://find-sec-bugs.github.io
  • Click Window -> Preferences then go to Java -> FindBugs
  • Open Plugins and misc. Settings tab and click Add to add the Find Security Bugs plugin jar file to the list
  • Restart Eclipse

Enable analysis

For each project you have in Eclipse:
  • Right-click on it and click the menu Configure / Enable SonarLint
Note that Findbugs is already usable after installation so there's no need to enable it for each project.

Using Findbugs

  • Right-click on the project in Eclipse and select the menu Find Bugs / Find Bugs
  • Wait for the analysis to complete - a popup dialog will open, show progress and then close automatically.
  • Open the Bug Explorer. The first time, you will need to select the Eclipse menu Window / Show View / Other / FindBugs / Bug Explorer

Using SonarLint

  • Right click on the project in Eclipse and select the menu SonarLint / Analyze all files
  • View the progress in the Eclipse Console
  • View the Sonar markers in your source code.
  • Occasionally update your analyzers via Help / Update SonarLint Analyzers

For a quick intro, go on the SonarLint for Eclipse web page.

19 Apr 2016

Recherche de mot de passe de BD dans la mémoire Java | Searching for Oracle database passwords in Java VM

Voici un petit truc pour rechercher des mots de passe (en texte clair) de BD Oracle en mémoire de processus Java. Les programmes utilisés proviennent du JDK standard d'Oracle.

Lister les programmes java en utilisant jps:
$ jps
32488 MainClassName
1945 Jps
La commande jps permet d'avoir la liste des processus java "instrumentés". L'autre approche (plus inclusive) serait d'utiliser quelque chose comme pgrep java.

Lorsqu'on a le PID, on peut utiliser jmap pour générer une image de la mémoire:
$ jmap -heap:format=b 32488
Attaching to process ID 32488, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 25.66-b17
Dumping heap to heap.bin ...
Heap dump file created
Une fois l'image créée, on peut l'analyser en utilisant jhat. Cette commande démarre un serveur web qui permet l'analyse.
[t903335@slave1 ~]$ jhat heap.bin
Reading from heap.bin...
Dump file created Tue Apr 19 23:11:01 UTC 2016
Snapshot read, resolving...
Resolving 386035 objects...
WARNING:  Failed to resolve object id 0x585dc0618 for field clazz (signature L)
Chasing references, expect 77 dots.............................................................................
Eliminating duplicate references.............................................................................
Snapshot resolved.
Started HTTP server on port 7000
Server is ready.
En connectant sur le port mentionné ci-haut avec un navigateur web (, on obtient la liste de classes java trouvées en mémoire. Au bas de la page, il y a un lien intitulé Execute Object Query Language (OQL) query qui nous envoie à /oql. Cette page permet d'exécuter des recherches ciblées de la mémoire.

En faisant un peu de recherche, j'ai remarqué que pour trouver le mot de passe qui est envoyé à la BD, il suffit d'exécuter cette recherche OQL: 
OQL Query: heap.findClass("oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection")
Si ce pilote JDBC est utilisé par le programme java, on obtiendra un lien vers cette classe. En cliquant sur ce lien, on a l'option de visionner ses instances en cliquant sur le lien Instances: Exclude subclasses. Dans la page suivante on verra quelque chose comme:

oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection@0x5861d36a8 (1362 bytes)
Total of 1 instances occupying 1362 bytes.

En cliquant sur le lien vers l'instance, on aura une page suivante qui montrera les différentes valeurs des différents attributs de l'objet en question. Parmi un de ces attributs se trouve password, userName et database (URI). Bien sûr, toutes les valeurs sont les valeurs originales (dans le clair)!

Il me reste à rechercher comment on peut éviter cette exposition continue en mémoire du mot de passe à même le pilote JDBC de Oracle. J'espère que ce n'est qu'une erreur d'implantation (par le développeur-utilisateur du pilote).

Référence OQL: https://visualvm.java.net/oqlhelp.html

Below is a trick for finding clear text password in Java VM memory when a java program utilizes (one of) the JDBC driver(s) from Oracle (ojdbc6.jar I think). The commands used come from the standard Oracle JDK..

To list java programs, use jps:
$ jps
32488 MainClassName
1945 Jps
The jps command lists the instrumented java processes. Another approach to get a more incluse list would be to use something like pgrep java.

Once we have the PID, we can use jmap to dump the java process memory to disk:
$ jmap -heap:format=b 32488
Attaching to process ID 32488, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 25.66-b17
Dumping heap to heap.bin ...
Heap dump file created
Once we have the memory dump, we can analyze it using jhat. This command also starts a web server for the analyst.
$ jhat heap.bin
Reading from heap.bin...
Dump file created Tue Apr 19 23:11:01 UTC 2016
Snapshot read, resolving...
Resolving 386035 objects...
WARNING:  Failed to resolve object id 0x585dc0618 for field clazz (signature L)
Chasing references, expect 77 dots.............................................................................
Eliminating duplicate references.............................................................................
Snapshot resolved.
Started HTTP server on port 7000
Server is ready.
When connecting to that port with a web browser (, we obain a list of java classes found in memory. At the bottom of the page, there's a link Execute Object Query Language (OQL) query that brings us to /oql. This page allows searching for structured memory content.

After a bit of tinkering, I figured out that to find the database password, all I needed to do is to run this OQL query: 
OQL Query: heap.findClass("oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection")
If this JDBC driver is used in the java program, we obtain a link to this class. When clicking that link, we can view its instance(s) by clicking on Instances: Exclude subclasses. In the following page, we get something like:
oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection@0x5861d36a8 (1362 bytes)
Total of 1 instances occupying 1362 bytes.
When clicking on the link for the instance, we get another page with different attributes and corresponding values within the object. As part of these, we find the attributes named password, userName and database (URI). Of course, all of those values are in the clear!

Now, I need to find a way to avoid this continuous exposure in memory when using Oracle drivers. There's hopefully a better way to use it or simply a better driver altogether...

More details on OQL: https://visualvm.java.net/oqlhelp.html

10 Apr 2016

Infosec RSS Feeds

Voici les sources RSS/podcasts que je consume ces temps-ci (excluant Twitter):
RSS feeds and podcasts I consume, excluding Twitter:
The podcasts I browse sometimes but don't listen because they like to hear themselves talk: